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Anran presents his work on using white noise to track infant breathing on smart speakers. Vikram presents his work on living IoT which is a light weight wireless platform for living insects. http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2022/

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互联网+”新常态 移动4G开启指尖上的智慧民生-广西 ...:2021-7-8 · 广西新闻网南宁7月8日讯(记者 蒋尧 通讯员 林洁 申蓓)在“互联网+”上升为国家战略的背景下,伃4G为企表的新一企通信网络,持续推动着移动互联 ...

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Check out the profile Geekwire did on Justin: http://www.geekwire.com/2022/justin-chan/



Check out Justin’s Lancent article: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32087-2/fulltext

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Cornell Tech today announced four new professors who will join the campus’ distinguished faculty. With research and industry experience in fields such as machine learning, computational photography, and mobile health applications, these professors will build on Cornell Tech’s interdisciplinary and groundbreaking research. Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor joins the Jacobs   Read More ...

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Check out our Digital Medicine paper on detecting cardiac arrest using smart speakers and phones. http://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-019-0128-7

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伊尔2飞机在这里重新起飞——2021华为开发者大会综述 ...:2021-8-21 · 近日,华为创始人伅正非在向CBG移交“千疮百孔的烂伊尔2飞机”战旗交接仾式上发表了讲话。伅正非把华为终端业务比作那架千疮百孔的飞机华为 ...

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《绝地求生》腾讯免费吃鸡加速器下载 网吧steam加速器 ...:2021-3-2 · 吃鸡加速器也就是现在很多网咖里使用的免费的steam绝地求生加速器,新云网从网吧提取出来后提供给大家下载,解压后直接运行加速即可,无需 ...

Check out the article written by our friends at Sleepscore and ResMed to the American Academic of Sleep Medicine. http://jcsm.aasm.org/ViewAbstract.aspx?pid=31480&fbclid=IwAR3ybOU44i2J3dcNBXvI3vfllrOrNcPJXUya8AMNL1mLYJ55deBiw7AJaeg

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Rajalakshmi’s interview on Science Friday

Check out Rajalakshmi’s interview on Science Friday! Rajalakshmi talks about the lab’s work on using active sonar for various applications.

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东北网2021年02月08日新闻汇总:网络枪手“企写寒假作业”月挣千元不成问题 2021-02-08 09:49 [833][双鸭山新闻网] 老太当年为躲地主追杀隐居绝壁80年(图) 2021-02-08 09:49 [834][双鸭山新闻网] 吉林农户家中母猪一胎25崽 破当地最高记录(图) 2021-02-08 09:49 [835][东北网国际]

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Science Translational Medicine Paper on Opioid overdose detection

无线通信技术各领风骚 智能家居统一标准没有必要 ...:2021-12-14 · 无线通讯协议是智能家居领域的关键技术,是连接设备、实现信息传输的通道,是实现智能产品之间互联互通互控与协同的“桥梁”。不过,目前智能家居市场标准未定,多种无线协议并存,主要的通讯协议有WiFi、Zigbee、蓝牙、Z-wave、Thread ...

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Living IoT covered by NBC News

Check out the coverage of the Living IoT program on NBC News. http://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/how-tiny-backpacks-are-turning-bees-living-drones-ncna948046


Bionic Bees With Electronics in Lieu of Farm Drones

Check out our work on Living IoT at MobiCom 2022:

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Jeeva Wireless named as one of the startups worth watching by EETimes!


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Congrats to Rajalakshmi and Vikram.   Check out the work at http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~gshyam/Papers/ulocate.pdf

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Vikram Iyer quoted in CNBC about robofly

http://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/02/about-the-weight-of-a-toothpick-first-wireless-robo-insect-takes-off.html   “Because the laser alone can’t provide enough voltage to move the wings, the team designed a circuit that boosts the 7 volts coming out of the photovoltaic cell up to the 240 volts needed for flight. To give RoboFly control over its own wings, the engineers added a   Read More ...

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硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术 ...:2021-6-24 · 原标题:硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术创新助力5G商用5G商用牌照的发放,标志着我国进入5G商用元年,5G网络建设也正式拉开帷幕。日前,经专家推荐和评选委员会评定,2021年度《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖评选结果正式 ...

“LoRa Backscatter: Enabling The Vision of Ubiquitous Connectivity”, published in the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies is the winner of an IMWUT Vol. 1 Distinguished Paper Award. A selection committee made of 14 members of the IMWUT Editorial Board (see list below) selected –   Read More ...

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Medgadget covers Sleepscore and UW research

To quote Colin Lawler: “Starting with the last question – smartphones have improved both in terms of processing capability and speaker and microphone quality. When combining this with a revolutionary.and patented, new approach to sonar, we found a way to enable a pretty clear picture of the respiratory pattern and   Read More ...


Rajalakshmi Nandakumar receives the award

  Rajalakshmi Nandakumar and Vint Cerf

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手机界的“望远镜”来了 重庆国美开启vivo X30系列新品预售-3C ...:2021-12-19 · 华龙网-新重庆客户端12月19日6时讯(通讯员 彭洁)12月16日,在桂林举办的新品发布会上,vivo正式推出旗下X系列首款5G手机vivo X30 Pro和vivo X30。国美也在当日宣布全渠道开启vivo X30系 …

从乌镇数字看数字中国-广西新闻网 - gxnews.com.cn:2021-10-23 · 世界关注乌镇,全球瞩目中国。今天,第六届世界互联网大会闭幕。在这场互联网盛宴上都有哪些看点?让我伀用一组数字带您一起回顾——2021年 ...

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5 apps and services for productivity and wellness    

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Rajalakshmi Nandakumar honored with Marconi Young Scholar Award

Rajalakshmi Nandakumar has been recognized with a Paul Baran Young Scholar Award from the Marconi Society for her work on mobile apps capable of detecting potentially life-threatening health issues. She is the first Allen School student to receive the award, which honors outstanding early-career researchers in wireless communications and the   Read More ...

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Dr. Oz: The New App That Helps You Sleep Better

http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/oz-investigates-could-eating-more-salt-actually-save-your-life?video_id=5797590614001 Fitness trainer Gunnar Peterson and Dr. Oz explain how the SleepScore app can help you get more rest. This technology is based on the ApneaApp technology licensed from our lab.

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With ApneaApp, ResMed and SleepScore Labs awaken people to the dangers of poor sleep

The UW team behind ApneaApp, left to right: Nate Watson, Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, and Shyam Gollakota. Photo credit: Sarah McQuate/University of Washington   More than a billion people worldwide experience problems related to sleep, which can have a significant impact on their health, productivity, and overall quality of life. In the   Read More ...

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First insect scale wireless drones takes off

Check out the ICRA paper: http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~gshyam/Papers/wirelessfly.pdf

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Towards battery-free HD video streaming

2021笔记本行业展望 除了5G、折叠屏还有什么? - huanqiu.com:2021-2-3 · CES上亮相的5G笔记本联想YOGA 5G搭载高通骁龙8cx处理器,支持毫米波和sub-6G网络,可提供约4Gbps的下载速度,预计会在Q1内发售。5G高速网络连接与高 ...

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Wired: The Phone Charger of the Future Will Go Pew Pew

Wired covers our work on charging smartphones using lasers.     http://www.wired.com/story/wireless-charging-with-lasers/

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互联网+”新常态 移动4G开启指尖上的智慧民生-广西 ...:2021-7-8 · 广西新闻网南宁7月8日讯(记者 蒋尧 通讯员 林洁 申蓓)在“互联网+”上升为国家战略的背景下,伃4G为企表的新一企通信网络,持续推动着移动互联 ...

Although mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones let us communicate, work and access information wirelessly, their batteries must still be charged by plugging them in to an outlet. But we have for the first time developed a method to safely charge a smartphone wirelessly using a laser. http://laserpower.cs.washington.edu/  

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硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术 ...:2021-6-24 · 原标题:硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术创新助力5G商用5G商用牌照的发放,标志着我国进入5G商用元年,5G网络建设也正式拉开帷幕。日前,经专家推荐和评选委员会评定,2021年度《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖评选结果正式 ...

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Vikram wins the 2018 Microsoft Research Fellowship

Vikram is one of ten MSR Ph.D. fellows of 2018. PhD Fellowship Program

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Printed Wi-Fi in the news

  http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/no-batteries-wires-or-plugs-uw-team-makes-plastic-devices-that-communicate-via-wi-fi/   and others

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3D Printing Wireless Connected Objects

Check out our Siggraph work on 3D printing wireless connected objects.   http://printedwifi.cs.washington.edu/    

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Justin Chan talks to komo news about smart fabrics

A shirt that doubles as your password? UW researchers creating ‘high-tech’ fabrics   http://komonews.com/news/local/uw-researchers-creating-high-tech-fabrics-that-can-store-data    

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Tech Review coverage on our data storage on smart fabrics

“This smart fabric doesn’t need electronics or batteries, but it can encode data readable by a magnetometer like the one in your phone.”     http://www.technologyreview.com/s/609264/your-next-password-may-be-stored-in-your-shirt-cuff/  

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Economist article on LoRa Backscatter

广中医仙葫院区19日开业 从17日起至月底门诊诊查费将全免 ...:2021-7-19 · 7月19日,广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区举行开业庆典仾式。广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区位于广西南宁市仙葫经济开发区仙葫大道327号,地处南宁市东部核心地带,紧邻东方广场及仙葫经济开发区管委会,是仙葫开发区唯一医疗规划。

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Backscatter at kilometer range

Our recent work on LoRa backscatter breaks the long held belief that backscatter is a short-range communication system.   http://longrange.cs.washington.edu/


TVM framework bridges the gap between deep learning and hardware innovation

With TVM, researchers and practitioners in industry and academia  will be able to quickly and easily deploy deep learning applications on a wide range of systems, including mobile phones, embedded devices, and low-power specialized chips — and do so without sacrificing battery power or speed. Learn more about this project:   Read More ...

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CovertBand: Activity Information Leakage using Music

  Smart devices and appliances are becoming increasingly prevalent, but as a consequence of adding these connected devices such as smart TVs, phones, and hubs like the Amazon Echo to our homes, there are an increased number of connected speakers and microphones with access to our private environment. In this   Read More ...

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一加 8 系列新品正式发布 肉眼可见的出类拔萃-千龙网·中国 ...:2021-4-20 · 4月16日,一加举办主题为“肉眼可见的出类拔萃”线上发布会,正式发布一加 8 系列新品,新品系列包含一加 8 和一加 8 Pro两款产品,一加 8 系列 ...

Congrats! http://www.sigcomm.org/awards/dissertation    


Music as Surveillance

Check out our work on using music as a surveillance tool. This work is to appear at Ubicomp 2017. http://musicattacks.cs.washington.edu/


CNN coverage of battery-free phone

Check it out! http://money.cnn.com/video/technology/2017/07/10/battery-free-cell-phone-university-of-washington.cnnmoney/index.html

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First battery-free phone!

Check out the first battery-free phone designed by our lab. http://batteryfreephone.cs.washington.edu/

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American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Tom Anderson is elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Allen School’s Tom Anderson elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

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SigMobile Rockstar award

Shyam was awarded the Sigmobile Rockstar award. http://news.cs.washington.edu/2017/03/23/allen-schools-shyam-gollakota-wins-2017-sigmobile-rockstar-award/  

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FM Backscatter: Enabling Connected Cities and Smart Fabrics

This project enables connectivity on everyday objects by transforming them into FM radio stations. To do this, we show for the first time that ambient FM radio signals can be used as a signal source for backscatter communication. Our design creates backscatter transmissions that can be decoded on any FM receiver   Read More ...


Enabling Connected Cities and smart fabrics

Check out our work on connected cities and smart fabrics. http://www.washington.edu/news/2017/03/01/singing-posters-and-talking-shirts-uw-engineers-turn-everyday-objects-into-fm-radio-stations/  

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Shyam named a Forbes All-star Alumni



Top ten technology inventions of 2016

印军方忧虑中国产军事硬伀 要求严查加密装置 - huanqiu.com:2021-1-25 · 美国著名智库詹姆斯敦基金会1日刊登新德里观察者研究基金会研究员维杰萨胡加博士的文章称,出于对中国网络战能力的担忧,印度方面对中国对印 ...

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东北网2021年06月02日新闻汇总:中国网络文学发展迅猛 写手年收入高达数百万 2021-06-02 10:50 [742][东北网读书] 剑桥大学出版社全球总裁:给西方看纯中国 2021-06-02 10:50 [743][东北网读书] “宇粉”共享《大宇神秘惊奇》的作者签名 2021-06-02 10:50 [744][东北网国内]

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Shyam talked about our work on the Internet of Disposable Things at EmTech 2016. http://www.technologyreview.com/s/602630/this-contact-lens-will-kick-start-the-internet-of-disposable-things/?utm_campaign=internal&utm_medium=readnext&utm_source=item_1    

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Awarded the Madrona Prize!

  Madrona Awards the Madrona Prize to our Backscatter work. http://www.madrona.com/madrona-awards-madrona-prize-backscatter-team-uw-industrial-affiliates-day/ “2016 marks the 11th year of the Madrona Prize which is awarded to a ground breaking and commercially viable technology developed at the University of Washington.  Since Madrona’s inception, more than two decades ago, Madrona has funded 16 companies   Read More ...

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Enabling On-Body Transmissions with Commodity Devices

We show for the first time that commodity devices can be used to generate wireless data transmissions that are confined to the human body. Specifically, we show that commodity input devices such as fingerprint sensors and touchpads can be used to transmit information to only wireless receivers that are in   Read More ...


Interscatter: Internet Connectivity for Implanted Devices

We introduce inter-technology backscatter (Interscatter), a novel approach that transforms wireless transmissions from one technology to another, on the air. Specifically, we show for the first time that Bluetooth transmissions can be used to create Wi-Fi and ZigBee-compatible signals using backscatter communication. Since Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and ZigBee radios are widely   Read More ...

FingerIO: Using Active Sonar for Fine-Grained Finger Tracking

FingerIO is a novel fine-grained finger tracking solution that transforms any space around off-the-shelf smartphones or smartwatches into an interactive surfaces. FingerIO does not require instrumenting the finger with sensors and works even in the presence of occlusions between the finger and the device. We achieve this by transforming the一sub网络加速器


Passive Wi-Fi: Bringing Low Power to Wi-Fi Transmissions

We introduce Passive Wi-Fi that demonstrates for the first time that one can generate 802.11b transmissions using backscatter communication, while consuming 3 – 4 orders of magnitude lower power than existing Wi-Fi chipsets. Passive Wi-Fi transmissions can be decoded on any Wi-Fi device including routers, mobile phones and tablets. Building   Read More ...


Wall Street Journal covers our work on on-body transmissions

Quoting the article “Now researchers at the University of Washington have found a way to eliminate the airtime and the hassle—by using the human body as a conduit for passing security codes from one device to another. By holding a smartphone in one hand, for example, and touching a doorknob   Read More ...


Transmissions that are confined to the human body

We show for the first time that commodity devices can be used to generate wireless data transmissions that are confined to the human body. Specifically, we show that commodity input devices such as fingerprint sensors and touchpads can be used to transmit information to only wireless receivers that are in   Read More ...


Shyam named a popular Science ‘brilliant 10’

  The article says Shyam Gollakota uncovered a way to create Wi-Fi signals without radio transistors. And here’s the real payoff: These “passive Wi-Fi” devices use 10,000 times less power than a typical Wi-Fi chip, and 1,000 times less power than the most efficient Bluetooth, thereby significantly reducing the need   Read More ...

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We introduce inter-technology backscatter (Interscatter), a novel approach that transforms wireless transmissions from one technology to another, on the air. Specifically, we show for the first time that Bluetooth transmissions can be used to create Wi-Fi and ZigBee-compatible signals using backscatter communication. Since Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and ZigBee radios are widely   Read More ...

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FingerIO awarded Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2016

FingerIO is a novel fine-grained finger tracking solution that transforms any space around off-the-shelf smartphones or smartwatches into an interactive surfaces. The work got an honorable mention award at CHI 2016.    


First Wi-Fi enabled contact lens prototype

Check out the coverage on our first Wi-Fi enabled contact lens prototype. http://www.technologyreview.com/s/602035/first-wi-fi-enabled-smart-contact-lens-prototype/

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Passive Wi-Fi captured the Best Paper Award at the 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’16) Congratulations to the team


Check our work on FingerIO

FingerIO is a novel fine-grained finger tracking solution that transforms any space around off-the-shelf smartphones or smartwatches into an interactive surfaces. The work got an honorable mention award at CHI 2016. Check out the project website



Shyam Gollakota was selected by CNN Money as one of five innovators who are changing the world for a recent segment called Visionaries 2022.



Our work on Passive Wi-Fi is covered by The Seattle Times.

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Passive Wi-Fi selected one of 10 breakthrough technologies of 2016

Passive Wi-Fi, a new low-power Wi-Fi communications system developed by the team, has been named one of MIT Technology Review’s 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2016. The system, which can generate Wi-Fi transmissions using 10,000 times less power than conventional methods, was developed in UW CSE professor Shyam Gollakota’s Networks &   Read More ...

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Shyam Gollakota wins 2015 World Technology Award in Communications Technology

硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术 ...:2021-6-24 · 原标题:硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术创新助力5G商用5G商用牌照的发放,标志着我国进入5G商用元年,5G网络建设也正式拉开帷幕。日前,经专家推荐和评选委员会评定,2021年度《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖评选结果正式 ...

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硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术 ...:2021-6-24 · 原标题:硬核展示|《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖(一):大行业,技术创新助力5G商用5G商用牌照的发放,标志着我国进入5G商用元年,5G网络建设也正式拉开帷幕。日前,经专家推荐和评选委员会评定,2021年度《人民邮电》报5G创新先锋奖评选结果正式 ...

Power over Wi-Fi named a top innovation of 2015 by Popular Science Find more about the project


Sleep Apnea Detection on Smartphones

Sleep apnea is a common medical disorder that is estimated to affect more than 18 million American adults and is linked to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and increased motor vehicle accidents. ApneaApp is a contactless solution for detecting sleep apnea events by monitoring the   Read More ...


Shyam Gollakota appointed as a CoMotion Presidential Innovation Fellow

University of Washington Interim President Ana Mari Cauce has announced the appointment of 17 new members to the university’s prestigious CoMotion Presidential Innovation Fellows program.

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Our work on Power over WiFi is covered by BBC, Wired, Tech Review and others. Find more information about the power over WiFi system.

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NSF CAREER Award to Shyam Gollakota

Shyam Gollakota has received an NSF CAREER Award

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Shyam Gollakota in Forbes 30 under 30

Forbes 30 under 30 Energy

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Rajalakshmi wins best presentation award at Sensys 2014

Wi-Fi Imaging Check out the project: http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~gshyam/Papers/wision.pdf>Project Paper

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印军方忧虑中国产军事硬伀 要求严查加密装置 - huanqiu.com:2021-1-25 · 出于对中国网络 ... 关注来自中国的军事硬伀中的零部伀(sub -assemblies),尤其是通讯装备。印度空军及海军都收到命伂,一旦发现自己的系统及 ...

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#1 Bestseller on Amazon

直击MWC:“5G+折叠屏”燃爆 中兴通讯站到“C位”_中证网:2021-2-26 · 在“极简5G”框架内,通过实施网络极简策略,得伃助力全球运营商进行5G快速部署;通过发布无线网络自动化系列产品解决方案,加速成功打造自动驾驶 ...


Tech Review covers Wi-Fi Backscatter

MIT Tech Review link ” The technology could free engineers to extend the tendrils of the Internet and computers into corners of the world they don’t currently reach. Battery-free devices that can communicate could make it much cheaper and easier to widely deploy sensors inside homes to take control of   Read More ...

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Wi-Fi Backscatter: Internet Connectivity for the Next Billion Devices

RF-powered computers are small devices that compute and communicate using only the power that they harvest from RF signals. While existing technologies have harvested power from ambient RF sources (e.g., TV broadcasts), they require a dedicated gateway (like an RFID reader) for Internet connectivity. We present Wi-Fi Backscatter, a novel   Read More ...

Full-Duplex Backscatter to appear at MOBICOM 2014

Our work that is to appear at MOBICOM 2014 introduces the first design that enables an instantaneous feedback channel on battery-free backscatter devices. Specifically, it gives receivers a way to provide low-rate feedback to the transmitter on the same frequency as that of the backscatter transmissions, using neither multiple antennassub网络加速



联发科技与诺基亚AirScale 5G基站成功完成预商用测试:2021-2-21 · 原标题:联发科技与诺基亚AirScale5G基站成功完成预商用测试【CNMO新闻】5G是2021年绝对的话题。就在5G网络预商用的这一年,各种有关5G网络的部署都在不断进行。日前,联发科技公开宣布,其5G调制解调器芯片HelioM70完成和诺基亚AirScale5G基站

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主打性企比 热卖五百元内MID平板导购 - cnr.cn:2021-6-7 · 台电P76v预装安卓4.0系统,支持硬伀UI加速 等多种全新特性,用户使用体验大幅提升。 产品介绍 台电P76v延续P76Ti经典外观设计,时尚便携。正面依旧配置一块7英寸5点电容触控屏,更方便用户使用操作。其硬伀搭载了最新A13处理器,频率高达1 ...


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Networks Lab at APSys

Two papers from the networks lab will appear at APSys in Beijing in June Machine Fault Tolerance for Reliable Datacenter Systems by Danyang, Qiao, Dan, Arvind, and Tom and User scripting on Android using BladeDroid by Ravi, Dominic, Pingyang, Ray, Will, and Mike You can see the full program on   Read More ...

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Bryce and Vamsi in Seattle business Magazine

Here is the link: Technology promises control of smartphones through hand gestures

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TongueSee: A Non-Invasive Tongue Gesture System

People with tetraplegia have either partially or completely lost their abilities to move their arms or legs. We want technologies to help those patients to interact with their surroundings. Fortunately, many of those patients are able to move their tongues on command. Researchers have thus asked if it is possible   Read More ...


UW at SIGCOMM 2014

We will be presenting the following work at SIGCOMM 2014 Turbocharging Backscatter Communication Aaron Parks, Angli Liu, Shyam Gollakota, and Josh Smith Connecting RF-Powered Things to the Internet Bryce Kellogg, Aaron Parks, Shyam Gollakota, Josh Smith, and David Wetherall One tunnel is enough Simon Peter, Umar Javed, Qiao Zhang, Doug   Read More ...

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Vincent and Vamsi win QualComm Innovation Fellowship 2014 for ambient backscatter. Here is the information: http://www.qualcomm.com/research/university-relations/innovation-fellowship/2014

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Bryce kellogg demos and discusses AllSee on King5 news. Bryce on King5

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Existing gesture-recognition systems consume significant power and computational resources that limit how they may be used in low-end devices. We introduce AllSee, the first gesture-recognition system that can operate on a range of computing devices including those with no batteries. AllSee consumes three to four orders of magnitude lower power   Read More ...

感受5G独特魅力 憧憬未来美好生活 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-21 · 展厅中,一个米粒大小的芯片颇为引人注目。“这是国内首颗5G NR Sub-6GHz n77滤波器芯片,仅1.6×0.8毫米,工作频率在3.3—4.2GHz之间,带宽高达900MHz ...

UW CSE professor Shyam Gollakota is in the New York Times.

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Will Scott on his experience teaching in North Korea

Check out the reddit article where Will answers questions Reddit article where Will discusses teaching in North Korea

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TongueSee at CHI 2014

Check out our work on non-invasive Tongue Machine Interface at CHI 2014 Non-Invasive Tongue Machine Interface Qiao Zhang, Shyam Gollakota, Ben Taskar, and Raj Rao

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UW at NSDI 2014

[新京报]原子能楼被拆,感情和记忆无法重建_正义网 - jcrb.com:2021-6-23 · 据媒体报道,位于中关村的中科院原子能楼日前开始了拆除工作,被拆已成既定事实。而上周,一些中科院的院士与职工,还在想办法争取将原子能楼保护下来。大众舆论对于原子能楼的拆除,并无太大的反应。据悉,原子能楼拆除后,原址或将建起国家纳米中心实验室。

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uProxy is a browser extension that lets users share alternative more secure routes to the Internet. It’s like a personalised VPN service that you set up for yourself and your friends. uProxy helps users protect each other from third parties who may try to watch, block, or redirect users’ Internet   Read More ...


Strong User Isolation for Scalable Web Applications PDF Web applications are a frequent target of successful attacks. The damage is amplified by the fact that application code is responsible for security enforcement in most web frameworks. In this paper we design and implement Radiatus, a web framework where all application-specific   Read More ...



WiSee was awarded the best paper at MobiCom 2013. Check out the project webpage: wisee.cs.washington.edu


Networking as a Service

Youtube Video Future of network architecture by Tom Anderson

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As computing devices become smaller and more numerous, powering them becomes more difficult; wires are often not feasible, and batteries add weight, bulk, cost, and require recharging/replacement that is impractical at large scales. Ambient backscatter communication solves this problem by leveraging existing TV and cellular transmissions, rather than generating their   Read More ...

Ambient Backscatter Wins SIGCOMM 2013 Best Paper Award

Ambient Backscatter wins the best paper award at ACM SIGCOMM 2013, to be held in Hong Kong, China between August 12 and August 16, 2013. The paper is titled Ambient Backscatter: Wireless Communication Out of Thin Air Check out the UW CSE announcement and the project webpage.


UW at MOBICOM 2013

Check out the papers from UW at MOBICOM 2013. Whole-Home Gesture Recognition Using Wireless Signals, Qifan Pu, Sidhant Gupta, Shyam Gollakota, and Shwetak Patel Interference Alignment Using Motion, Fadel Adib, Swarun Kumar, Omar Aryan, Shyam Gollakota, and Dina Katabi QuickSync: Accelerating Information Transfer Over Unsynchronized Screen-Camera Links, Wenjun Hu, Hao网络加速器



WiSee is the first whole-home gesture recognition system using wireless signals. Since wireless signals do not require line-of-sight and can traverse through walls, WiSee can enable whole-home gesture recognition using few wireless sources (e.g., a Wi-Fi router and a few mobile devices in the living room). Our results show that   Read More ...

Pseudonymous Web

Technology trends and economic forces are moving us toward a world in which personal information is valuable, and companies have an incentive to obtain as much of it as possible. Targeted advertising, for example, has revolutionized revenue generation, but while this is good for companies, the implications for user privacy   Read More ...

F10 in News

Vincent Liu and Tom Anderson were quoted in an article on F10 in the UW Daily!  You can read the article at http://dailyuw.com/archive/2013/05/08/science/uw-researchers-fix-faults-online-networks

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ACM Dissertation Award

UW CSE professor Shyam Gollakota has received the 2012 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award – presented annually to the author of the best doctoral dissertation, worldwide, in computer science – for his MIT doctoral dissertation “Embracing Interference in Wireless Systems.” Read more at UW CSE News

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Congratulations on SIGCOMM papers

Congratulations to UW students, faculty, and alumni for the excellent research and systems we built that are to appear in SIGCOMM 2013! Ambient Backscatter: Wireless Communication out of Thin Air Vincent Liu, Aaron Parks, Vamsi Talla, Shyam Gollakota, David Wetherall, Josh Smith Bringing Cross-Layer MIMO to Today’s Wireless LANs Swarun   Read More ...

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WProf is a tool that extracts dependencies of activities during a page load. For Web developers, WProf can help identify the bottleneck activities of your Web pages. For browser architects, WProf can relate page load bottlenecks to either Web standards or browser implementation choices.

Hello, NSDI!

A large contingent of the UW networks lab was present at NSDI this week. It was great to interact with the community and see the alumni from the lab enjoying their new homes.

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F10 wins Best Paper at NSDI

Congratulations to Vincent Liu, Daniel Halperin, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Tom Anderson!  "F10: A Fault-Tolerant Engineered Network" was recognized with a Best Paper award at NSDI. UW CSE News » CSE faculty and students win 2013 NSDI “Best Paper” Award NSDI – the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation   Read More ...

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UW at HotOS 2013

We’re looking forward to presenting a couple of papers at HotOS in May. From the Networking Lab: Arrakis: A Case for the End of the Empire Simon Peter and Thomas Anderson, University of Washington The Case for Onloading Continuous High-Datarate Perception to the Phone Seungyeop Han, University of Washington; Matthai   Read More ...

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We propose to build a tool, Triceratops, for securing mobile applications. It allows any user to protect his or her personal information from malicious mobile apps, in ways that are not possible today. Triceratops takes a mobile app with a set of security policies as input, and generates a secured   Read More ...


Hello Systems Lab!

印军方忧虑中国产军事硬伀 要求严查加密装置 - huanqiu.com:2021-1-25 · 美国著名智库詹姆斯敦基金会1日刊登新德里观察者研究基金会研究员维杰萨胡加博士的文章称,出于对中国网络战能力的担忧,印度方面对中国对印 ...



Arrakis is a new operating system that is designed around recent application and hardware trends: Applications are becoming so complex that they are miniature operating systems in their own right and are fighting with already established OS services. For example, a web browser needs to protect itself against untrusted scripts   Read More ...


New Website

Coming soon, this will become the official Networks lab website.  Our previous web presence didn’t do a good job of highlighting all the awesome projects we're working on.

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Networking Coursera Class

The UW Introduction to Networking class on Coursera has started up. If you want to learn more about computer networks – or have missed David Wetherall’s sultry voice – this is the class to take! http://www.coursera.org/course/comnetworks

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A New Baseline for the Web Free web services often face growing pains. In the current client-server access model, the cost of providing a service increases with its popularity. This leads organizations that want to provide services free-of-charge to rely to donations, advertisements, or mergers with larger companies to cope   Read More ...



Blocking-Resistant Network Services The desire for uncensored access to the Internet has motivated the development of both open proxies like Tor and social graph-based overlays like FreeNet. However, neither design is sufficient, as relays in open proxies are easily exposed and blocked, and overlays based just on social trust suffer   Read More ...